Visit Rack City on any typical day, and you’ll predominantly see people playing 8-ball pool. But there is another trendy game that is often faster and favours the shot maker! If you’re a gun at cannoning a ball off another or pulling off impossible shots, this game is for you!
1. Object of the Game: The objective is to be the first player to legally pocket the 9-ball.
2. Equipment: The game is played with a cue ball and nine numbered balls (1 through 9) racked in a diamond pattern.
The 1-ball is placed at the front of the rack, and the 9-ball is placed in the centre.
The remaining balls are placed randomly in a diamond (usually using a 9 ball rack/triangle).
Place the rack with the 1 ball over the spot on the table.

3. Break Shot: The game starts with the break shot. The breaker must strike the 1-ball first and attempt to pocket any ball on the table.
It is considered a legal break when:
✅ at least 4 balls reach the rails; or
✅any object ball is pocketed.
Failure to either reach the rail with 4 balls or pocket a ball is a foul. The other player places the cue ball anywhere on the table and takes their turn.
If a ball is legally pocketed on the break, the player continues shooting.
If the 9 ball is pocketed on the break, the player wins the game.
4. Legal Shot: For a shot to be legal, the cue ball must strike the lowest numbered ball first, and at least one object ball must hit a rail or be pocketed.
As long as the lowest numbered ball was struck first, balls can pocketed in any order. For example, if the cue ball strikes the 1 ball and causes the 9 ball to be pocketed, it is a legal shot and you win the game.

6. Fouls: Fouls result in the opponent gaining ball-in-hand, where they can place the cue ball anywhere on the table. Common fouls include:
Pocketing the cue ball.
Not hitting the lowest numbered ball first.
After striking the cue ball, failing to hit a rail with an object ball or pocket a ball. (Hitting a rail is defined by bouncing back from the rail. If the cue/object ball comes to rest on the rail, it is still a foul).
Knocking a ball off the table
5. Winning the Game: The game is won by the player who legally pockets the 9-ball.
If a player commits a foul while shooting the 9-ball, their turn ends, and the next player gets ball-in-hand
These are the basic rules of 9-ball pool. It's important to note that some additional rules and variations can be implemented in different tournaments and local play, so it's always a good idea to clarify specific rules before playing in a particular setting.
9-Ball FAQ
Do you call shots in 9-ball?
No, you’re not required to call shots in 9-ball.
Can I sink a ball out of sequence?
Yes, provided you hit the lowest number ball first. For example, you could shoot the cue ball at 1-ball, and use the 1-ball to sink any other ball, including the 9-ball (which would win you the game).
Can I win off the break?
Yes, provide its a legal break. For example, the 1-ball must be hit first, and you must not sink the cue ball, or any ball off the table.
How long does a game of 9-ball usually last?
It depends on your skill level, but as a guide, a professional player might average 5-10 minutes/game, while casual players might take 10-20 minutes. Of course, if you sink the 9-ball of the break, the game would be won in seconds! For this reason, it’s common to play a match where opponents race to a set number of wine, e.g. first to 3 wins.
Is 9 ball eaiser or harder to play than 8 ball?
9 ball is generally considered harder to play, due to the fact there are fewer options on the table (e.g. you must strike the lowest numbered ball firs) while 8 ball has more options (e.g. you can strike any of your set of balls). Having said that, 9 ball can be a quick game and there are several ways to win early in the game, making it a fun and accessible game for players of any skill level.